Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Academic Mentors

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?


Unknown said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

Awareness and direction of self

Leaders/teachers must discover if the learner is aware of self and has the right intentions of helping to empower others.

Awareness of the direction of the world

Leaders must make sure that the learner is able to understand what is happening on an individiual, family and organizational level because the learner cannot be blind to world decisions/actions

Awareness of others

Leaders must make sure that the learner can the ability of discernment to understand what type of person is needed in future leaders positions

Unknown said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?
The question presupposes that there is a set of topics that could achieve this miracle. Many learners especially in advanced degrees already have faith in the value of knowledge.
In order to transform the masses into a nation of learners, there needs to either a pivotal event or a slow changing of attitudes about the value of education. The path to advanced education is long and hard. The average person drops out due to work and family obligations. The desire for scientific pursuits wax and wan over time based upon external events and the vision of leader. (i.e. “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard”(Kennedy, 1962))
Movies and television such as National Treasure, Sahara, and NCIS which portray science and scientist as exiting due more to transform the nations attitude toward learning then any individual mentor can hope to accomplish. It is debatable whether these mediums reflect or help shape public opinion.
Still mountains can be moved one grain of sand at a time. One of the motivations for me to go back to school was to be a good influence on my children (talk is cheep and actions speak louder than words). So in the final analysis I think it is not so much any given topic but the enthusiasm with which the topic is presented that may ultimately propagate from existing learners to future learners.

mcost.costanzo said...

Mary said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

Increase quality performance and develop a plan to increase productivity and effectiveness.

Foster empowerment by taking initiative, embracing risk, stimulating innovation, and coping with uncertainty.

Take initiative to contact others in exchange of values and improve and maintain levels of performance by reducing opposition to certain actions and executing decision-making strategies.

Stimulating followers to reexamine the performance of tasks and persuading followers to execute creative approaches based on novel strategies.

Influence followers to assume responsibilities and maximize their full potential, and build trust to achieve organizational goals.

Leaders need to be flexibe and adaptable to avoid disasters and learn to cope with rapid changes to prevent change and conflict from occurring in employee empowerment by adapting strategies with flexibility,looking for solutons to problems that create conflict in employee empowerment, and making hard decisions quickly to minimize errors and mistakes with employees.

Providing constructive feedback and changing directions that support the environment and aspire leaders with challenges and opportunities to succeed.

Open communication and career development in strategic talent management programs will aid leaders in identifying qualified talent groups in organizations.

Initiating orientation and training with ongoing coaching and feedback that may result in effective leadership.

Vision for change and providing solutons to guide followers in new directions to achieve goals in the process of change on a long term basis.

Leaders need to accept responsibility for dilemmas, clarify communications of the mission, goals, and objectives, and challenge status quo by trusting and empowering followers.

Building relationships between people is an important attribute leaders must exhibit because relationships nurture the growth of trust and set examples for implementation of processes in organizations.

Dr.Warren St.James said...

To transform the world into a Nation of Learners, mentors have to discuss the universal need for communicative teamwork incorporating individual diversity. Focused communication invites the collapse of barriers // Teamwork invites collaboration and Individual diversity invites uniqueness. When strategically combined, these ingredients create a worldwide fishbowl of people yearning to learn.

Heres HOPE said...

To transform the world into a culture of Leaders, does not require advance education. What it does require is parents/guardians who have an awareness of world culture and views who are willing to prepare their children for a competitive future beyond their neighborhood.
How does a parent/guardian begin this task, they themselves MUST know their PURPOSE, and should be OPERATING in that PURPOSE. Once PURPOSE is discovered you will embark on a PATH that will lead to advance EDUCATION; whether it is self learning or traditional learning.
A GOOD MENTOR will first help identify and assist its mentee with discovering PURPOSE and PASSION.

Marcia Lemon Atkins
Spiritural Midwife
"Assisting YOU, in birthing YOUR vision".

Dr. Enrique Sampson Jr said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

The first question a mentor should ask is why mentoring and what is your desired outcome for the learner. By performing an assessment of the perspective learner desires, environment, and other contributing factors, one is able to formulate strategies and tactics that are designed to offer the best value to the learner and the mentor. Once you have a defined strategy and tactics, the topics should be selected to influence change in the learner. Everyone on this discussion forum offered excellent solutions and topics, but without having insight to the perspective learner environmental condition, selecting a topic based on the mentors’ personal value system may not produced the desired result. As mentors, one should individualize and personalize the mentoring approach by stimulating and transforming perspective learners to continuously seek knowledge by creating an environment which is self sustaining.

Based on the world 2008/2009 economic conditions, the topics I am currently mentoring takes into the consideration the understanding globalization, renewable energy system, world population, and creating personal value.

Unknown said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

Clarity of Direction
It is critical to teach how to identify and establish direction. Too many times we expect learners to learn without a clearly definition of what the direction is.

Effective commication
Without effective communication skills learners will struggle in whatever venue or venture they embark on.

Ensure accountability
Even with effective direction and communication skills without the ability to hold oneself and others accountable, one will not go very far in their learning.

Unknown said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

I believe the key to transforming the world into a Nation of Learners is to find ways to inspire individuals to learn. Such inspiration can come in many forms, but often hands on learning experiences are directly related to inspiration.

For me, the inspiration that helped me commit to learning and the desire to continue to learn for the rest of my life was when my parents purchased a telescope for my birthday in the fifth grade. A telescope and the hands on learning experiences that came with it inspired me to want to learn.

The challenge is to find ways to bring more hands on learning experiences to students of all ages. While reading about astronomy is fine, nothing beats the experience of seeing Saturn or the Moon for the first time through a telescope. Educators can also provide inspiration to students of all ages by their commitment and enthusiasm to learning.

Arthur said...

The topics below, when discussed, will arouse a sense of urgency in the discussant. The topics will put in perspective the individual's current state versus supposed state. If this is replicated, there will be an eruption of learning activities. Below are the topics:

(1) Highest level of education attained

(2) Highest level of education attained by parent(s)

(3) Highest level of education envisioned for the children

(3) Experiences that point to the need for education

(3) Obstacles currently faced due to level of education attained

Anonymous said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

In order to transform the world into a Nation of Learners, mentors have to understand and respect the diversity of learners and cultural differences, which will avoid any potential personal/professional barriers later. Mentors also should know what learners’ needs/strengths/weaknesses are so that they establish the appropriate strategies to assist/mentor them most efficiently. Also, I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for mentors to obtain the effective communication and active listening skills while demonstrating the transformation leadership skills.

Mentors need to be flexible, open-minded, and adaptive and to work as a team. As learners look up to their mentors for the guidance and mentorship, mentors should be able to clearly understand each learners’ preference, expectation and goals. Trust is a very important element for mentors and learners should build and maintain at all time. As I work for the organization with the diverse personnel, I personally can say that trust, respect and communications are the foundational elements to build the relationship with anyone. Technologies such as communication tools/applications should be another topic to consider.

kerrtrombley said...

In order to create a culture of learning and leaders, one needs to discover themself and the passion within to become a true leader and learner. In doing this, one must seek out information that not only confirms their belief but also challenges those beliefs. We cannot truly become a "Nation of Learners" without opening our minds to all different types of knowledge.

Stay07 said...

Mentors are often promoted to leadership positions because they preformed well in their individual contributor roles; yet they lack the interpersonal skills needed to lead. Mentors must be able to display social skills and demonstrate empathy. Mentors must also demonstrate respect for Mentees by listening to their ideas, demonstrating flexibility and helping Mentees to implement their ideas in their research.

Dr. Cheryl West said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

1. Role, responsibilty and need for mentors-- give back
2. Leaderly learning- crisis, compassion and competence
3. The need for continuous learning- a postmodern perspective
4. Tranformational thought, behavior and action
5. Collective thought to faciliate and promote a nation of learners
6. Becoming the change you want to be [or see] (Gandi)
7. Visionary thinking and real time change

Unknown said...

Others in this blog have written from the 3rd person; I will take my own experience as a 'learner', and a very stubborn learner at that (genius designations do that to 'one', I think).

1. University advisor, excellent mentor: When setting out my curriculum, he set aside his own bias toward certain faculty members (English faculty), etc., and declared his philosophy for me (I don't know if he did this for any of his other advisees: 'These are the best teachers on campus; I may not like them or agree with them, but they are the best.' As an English major, I took economics, philosophy, etc., because they were the best teachers. (Yes, I followed his advice).
first mentoring topic: plain speaking and expect to explain how your choices are made and how they reflect a choice for the learner.

2. University Vice President mentor. At this point I was working as the Director of Publications, and editing the University alumni magazine. (I was also a fulltime music and theater critic for National Public Radio.) As happens, there was no money for financial creativity so he would let me try all sorts of unusual and (then) experimental publishing ideas. When the usual complaints would come in that I wasn't there on Mondays (only worked a 4 day week and 10 months a year), he could fire back that I was at the printers at 4 am checking the color run on a project against the original (I'm a lawyer and would insist on things that the reps didn't understand).
Topic 2: great mentors learn from their learners when the learners are best left to 'be great'. I don't want to say, be left alone, because isolation is implied. I had a budget, photographers, artists, even a secretary in those old days. But the idea was mine, and without the VP's OK, it never would have gone forward

3. Life Mentor, Mary Lago. Just when you think you can't learn any more, your wonderful little 'Miss Marple'-like Edwardian Lit. professor comes back into your life, and you end up at the University of Cambridge at the age of 34 doing a PhD you only dreamed of doing.
Topic Three: Listen to their dreams and then show them how they can be made possible.

Notice, I didn't say 'make' them possible; it is not a fairy story. I still recall sitting in a restaurant in Cambridge talking to Mary, and she said, right, well you could write that in one year, they should give you a special dispensation for a doctorate, ....

All three bring me to the fourth,

4. Me, mentor. Topic. Belief
I have always gone beyond myself when I had a mentor, when I knew there was someone who believed I could do better and better. When I teach and mentor, that is the basis of all else. I convey to my learners, whether 6 year old piano students or English students at Cambridge, that I believe they can do better. The practical example I have for my little piano students is: from day one, they compose their own music. Some of the most beautiful and exotic sounds have been written by these young composers who are learning to write their quarter notes by writing their own notes.

In conclusion, I am floating at the moment because I do not have a mentor. If there is someone who is feeling mentor-ish?

Mike said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

Ethical values in business, entertainment, and healthcare would be essential topics for mentors to discuss with learners. The challenge in human nature is to shape why a person works to earn gold. The answer to the question would provide the means for motivation.

An industry with real prospects for growth, neglected in the mainstream media, is care for others. Families generally protect themselves; reaching beyond that circle to affect change in a local, national, and global effort should be expanded.

Care for others should be the primary motivation threaded through all fields of science, business, and entertainment. Self-respect, respect for others, pride in excellent work, and accountability for mistakes would be appropriate topics to engrain in learners.

Visionary mentors are not angelic, naïve beings, they are educated, competent, creative, effective and respected warriors that provide leadership. That leadership ability comes from self study, continuing education, persistence, dedication, a strong moral compass and the courage to step beyond academia and take action.

VisionaryMentors said...

Per Dr. C.S. email:

Brenda, I have a google account. Obviously doing something wrong because it spits me out. Here is what I entered. Please cut and paste. Good luck with your research. Carolyn

The topics essential for mentors to discuss with learners in the healthcare field are:

1. Right of passage via sharing of expert knowledge (storytelling and reflection) and use of critical thinking/practice skills required in the care of patients with complex health deviations

2. Prudent, judicious behavior as related to legal and ethical dilemmas

3. Recruitment and retention of nurses by fostering job embeddedness

4. Empowerment and intrapreneurship through autonomous decision making

5. Coping with generational differences in the healthcare setting

6. Building collaborative relationships with allied healthcare practitioners.

Unknown said...

It is important for mentors to assist learners in understanding the important concepts in becoming a leader. Not only is it important that the learner understand the business process but should also understand how to become an integral part of the business process.

Dr. William D. Hubbell said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

Topics that need to be discussed are patience, compassion, understanding, accountability, transparency and approachability.

1. Every leader must have patience to lead and patince to teach.

2. Every leader must have compassiona and understanding for the world, people and situations that arise.

3. Every leader must be accountable for his/her action and transmit theor vision outwardly for others to follow.

4. Visionary leaders must be transarent like an open book.

5. Visionary leader must have an approachable personality to draw followes and lead people to something better.

Mirjana Radovic Markovic said...

The teacher should use effective verbal, nonverbal, and new communication techniques to shape the classroom into a community of learners engaged in active inquiry,collaborative exploration, and supportive interactions.

LostiePat said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

Mentors should compel learners to be accountable for their own education. The mentor should instill in the learner the notion that learning never stops, so the mentor must demonstrate the importance of being a lifelong learner.

This nation has the opportunity to return to prominence in the world, but only if mentors discuss with learners the importance of questioning the status quo, joining with others to create change, and taking action. The transformation to a nation of learners will take time, however if mentors and learners collaborate to create new knowledge, anything is possible.

Dr. Derritta C. Ford-Gainer said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

The following topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners: Strategic planning, effective leadership and management styles, knowledge building within an organization, and critical thinking skills, emotional intelligence, conflict management skills, and the importance of compliance with appropriate cooperate governance practices.
Mentoring is helpful in establishing and maintaining structure, accountability, effectiveness, efficiency, and consistency. Mentors may not know the employee or have limited knowledge regarding their work ethics, management style, or concept of leadership. Because of limited information, mentors can request mentees consider questions regarding their opinions related to:

1. How do you see your role as a manager in relationship to job
performance of others?
2. What would you consider your strongest contribution as a manager?
3. What would you consider your area of need as a manager?
4. How do you think employees perceive you as a manager?
5. Outside of this agency whom would you consider a role model for
successful management?
6. As a manager, what is your primary goal?
7. Is the concept of teamwork important between management and non-
management staff? Why?
8. Is it important to be popular among your peers or employees as a
9. How do you handle situations related to conflicts and disagreements?
9. What is the one quality you believe is necessary to be a successful

These questions serve a dual purpose that provides insight regarding a mentee’s perception and beliefs. In addition, the question opens the lines of communication with an employee in a non-intimidating manner.

To further expand the knowledge of a mentee he or she can complete a web search identifying at least five examples related to successful styles of management and leadership. The mentee can identify what they would take from each example, how the example would be beneficial in their current role, and how they would apply the information to their own concept of management and leadership. Discussing the noted topics in conjunction with the challenging the learner to ask essential questions that address their belief system and personal perspectives enhances ones ability to be an effective mentor when preparing individual to become leaders.

Dr. Sharon D. Johnson, Ph.D. said...

Topics to discuss that are essential to transforming the world are: leadership, spiritual guidance and sensitivity to the needs of others.

EJ said...

In reference to creating a Nation of Learners, three topics come to mind:

1)Acceptance is More than a Word; It’s a Way of Thinking.

2) The Dangers of Preconceived Ideas

3) Validating Blogs & Twitter

Jerri L. Cook, juris doctor said...

What topics are essential for mentors to discuss with learners to transform the world into a Nation of Learners?

As Thomas Jefferson noted over two hundred years ago, an educated citizenry is critical to a strong Nation, an underlying presumption that is evident in the question posed here. Clearly, this is the starting point of any discussion about transforming the world. Unless the Nation itself values learning, purporting to extend that value to the world is mere rhetoric, and ineffective rhetoric at that.

The first point to discuss with learners is why learning is important to them on a personal level. Even the most altruistic among us values that which benefits us personally, and at its core, education is a personal benefit, because learning is the first step to creating personal property—not the type of personal property that normally comes to mind like smart phones and decked-out athletic shoes, but the sort of personal property that is the product of a mind accustomed to learning, intellectual property.

It is essential for mentors to point out that as we learn, we generate ideas. Those ideas are our intellectual property. They exist because we applied what we learned to our environment and came up with an idea that fills a personal need or the needs of others. This property, intellectual property, is so valued by us as a Nation, our Founders included constitutional protections to ensure that our individual right to dream big and benefit from our inventions and ideas cannot be usurped by the government.

Congress shall have the right [...]to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries~United States Constitution, Article 1 Section 8, Clause 8

Mentors should emphasize this right strongly, for it as vital as the right to vote, the right speak freely, and the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. The very act of learning leads to valuable ideas, so valuable that the expression of those ideas is a fundamental right.

Mentors must also stress American excellence. Because without it, learners cannot appreciate the strength of their position as compared to learners in many other countries. The advantages and privileges enjoyed by U.S.-based learners cannot be overlooked. It is essential for the learner to understand that by making themselves more knowledgeable, they make our Nation a better neighbor in the global community. By achieving their own educational goals, they provide a road map and lend inspiration to others to set out on their own learning journey.

In the end, Mentors must understand that each individual learner has something to contribute. By encouraging people to appreciate how learning creates valuable intellectual property and encourages both individual and National excellence, mentors and educators can help guide learners on their life-long journey of understanding.

Shakil said...

There are many but most prominent are:
1. What do you wish you knew at my stage?
2. Who else would you recommend I connect with?
3. How can I work smarter?
4. If you could do it all again, what would you do differently?
5. What are you trying to accomplish this quarter?
6. What would you do if you were me?
and most importantly What am I doing wrong?